DownUnder CTF 2022
DownUnderCTF is the largest online Australian run Capture The Flag (CTF) competition with over 4000+ registered users and over 2100+ registered teams (2021). This contest was held from Fri, 23 Sept. 2022, 17:30 HKT — Sun, 25 Sept. 2022, 17:30 HKT My belonged team NuttyShell was ranked 65 over 1407 teams.Now, I did some writeups for the Crypto problems of the contest.
Baby ARX
Description: I heard that add-rotate-xor are good operations for a cipher so I tried to make my own…
The Challenge Script:
class baby_arx():
def __init__(self, key):
assert len(key) == 64
self.state = list(key)
def b(self):
b1 = self.state[0]
b2 = self.state[1]
b1 = (b1 ^ ((b1 << 1) | (b1 & 1))) & 0xff
b2 = (b2 ^ ((b2 >> 5) | (b2 << 3))) & 0xff
b = (b1 + b2) % 256
self.state = self.state[1:] + [b]
return b
def stream(self, n):
return bytes([self.b() for _ in range(n)])
FLAG = open('./flag.txt', 'rb').read().strip()
cipher = baby_arx(FLAG)
out =
# cb57ba706aae5f275d6d8941b7c7706fe261b7c74d3384390b691c3d982941ac4931c6a4394a1a7b7a336bc3662fd0edab3ff8b31b96d112a026f93fff07e61b
I wrote the following Python Script:
chex = "cb57ba706aae5f275d6d8941b7c7706fe261b7c74d3384390b691c3d982941ac4931c6a4394a1a7b7a336bc3662fd0edab3ff8b31b96d112a026f93fff07e61b"
c = bytes.fromhex(chex)
b = 0xcb
flag = ""
for b1 in range(256):
for b2 in range(256):
nb1 = (b1 ^ ((b1 << 1) | (b1 & 1))) & 0xff
nb2 = (b2 ^ ((b2 >> 5) | (b2 << 3))) & 0xff
if b == (nb1 + nb2) % 256 and b1==ord("D") and b2==ord("U"):
i1 = b2
flag += chr(b1)
flag += chr(b2)
i1_new = (i1 ^ ((i1 << 1) | (i1 & 1))) & 0xff
for i in range(2, len(chex), 2):
for i2 in range(1024):
i2_new = i2 ^ ((i2 >> 5) | (i2 << 3)) & 0xff
if (i1_new + i2_new) % 256 == int(chex[i:i+2], 16):
flag += chr(i2)
i1 = i2
i1_new = (i1 ^ ((i1 << 1) | (i1 & 1))) & 0xff
and it gives us the foillowing result:
The flag is DUCTF{i_d0nt_th1nk_th4ts_h0w_1t_w0rks_actu4lly_92f45fb961ecf420}
Hack the Boo CTF 2022
Hack The Boo CTF competition 2022 was organized by Hack The Box.This contest was held from Sat, 22 Oct. 2022, 21:00 HKT — Thu, 27 Oct. 2022, 21:59 HKT. Coached by the PolyU EIE MPhil student Mr. Hopkins Kong, I was responsible for helping to solve the majorities of Crypto challenges during the contest.Our team NuttyShell was ranked 1 over 6350+ teams from worldwide(News) and also the fastest team to solve all the challenges during the contest.
We are given the following challenge script:
import random
FLAG = b'HTB{??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}'
def gen_params():
p = getPrime(1024)
g = random.randint(2, p-2)
x = random.randint(2, p-2)
h = pow(g, x, p)
return (p, g, h), x
def encrypt(pubkey):
p, g, h = pubkey
m = bytes_to_long(FLAG)
y = random.randint(2, p-2)
s = pow(h, y, p)
return (g * y % p, m * s % p)
def main():
pubkey, privkey = gen_params()
c1, c2 = encrypt(pubkey)
with open('data.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f'p = {pubkey[0]}\ng = {pubkey[1]}\nh = {pubkey[2]}\n(c1, c2) = ({c1}, {c2})\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
By the 2 equations: c1 = gy %p; c2 = mpow(h,y,p)%p where p, g, h, c1, c2 are known, we can then get y through the first formula and then through the second formula get m
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import gmpy2
p = 163096280281091423983210248406915712517889481034858950909290409636473708049935881617682030048346215988640991054059665720267702269812372029514413149200077540372286640767440712609200928109053348791072129620291461211782445376287196340880230151621619967077864403170491990385250500736122995129377670743204192511487
g = 90013867415033815546788865683138787340981114779795027049849106735163065530238112558925433950669257882773719245540328122774485318132233380232659378189294454934415433502907419484904868579770055146403383222584313613545633012035801235443658074554570316320175379613006002500159040573384221472749392328180810282909
h = 36126929766421201592898598390796462047092189488294899467611358820068759559145016809953567417997852926385712060056759236355651329519671229503584054092862591820977252929713375230785797177168714290835111838057125364932429350418633983021165325131930984126892231131770259051468531005183584452954169653119524751729
(c1, c2) = (159888401067473505158228981260048538206997685715926404215585294103028971525122709370069002987651820789915955483297339998284909198539884370216675928669717336010990834572641551913464452325312178797916891874885912285079465823124506696494765212303264868663818171793272450116611177713890102083844049242593904824396, 119922107693874734193003422004373653093552019951764644568950336416836757753914623024010126542723403161511430245803749782677240741425557896253881748212849840746908130439957915793292025688133503007044034712413879714604088691748282035315237472061427142978538459398404960344186573668737856258157623070654311038584)
y = gmpy2.divm(c1, g, p)
s = pow(h, y, p)
m = gmpy2.divm(c2, s, p)
Hence, the flag for this challenge is HTB{b3_c4r3ful_wh3n_1mpl3m3n71n6_cryp705y573m5_1n_7h3_mul71pl1c471v3_6r0up}
Fast Carmichael
from secret import FLAG
from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime
import socketserver
import signal
class Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
class ReusableTCPServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):
def sendMessage(s, msg):
def receiveMessage(s, msg):
sendMessage(s, msg)
return s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
def generate_basis(n):
basis = [True] * n
for i in range(3, int(n**0.5) + 1, 2):
if basis[i]:
basis[i * i::2 * i] = [False] * ((n - i * i - 1) // (2 * i) + 1)
return [2] + [i for i in range(3, n, 2) if basis[i]]
def millerRabin(n, b):
basis = generate_basis(300)
if n == 2 or n == 3:
return True
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
r, s = 0, n - 1
while s % 2 == 0:
r += 1
s //= 2
for b in basis:
x = pow(b, s, n)
if x == 1 or x == n - 1:
for _ in range(r - 1):
x = pow(x, 2, n)
if x == n - 1:
return False
return True
def _isPrime(p):
if p < 1:
return False
if (p.bit_length() <= 600) and (p.bit_length() > 1500):
return False
if not millerRabin(p, 300):
return False
return True
def main(s):
p = receiveMessage(s, "Give p: ")
p = int(p)
sendMessage(s, "Error!")
if _isPrime(p) and not isPrime(p):
sendMessage(s, FLAG)
sendMessage(s, "Conditions not satisfied!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
server = ReusableTCPServer(("", 1337), Handler)
To bypass the server’s condition, we need to generate a pesduoprime number with bits length from 600 to 1500.By reading the souce code searched from Internet based on the research paper by (François Arnault. 1995.), we can then immediately construct a carmichael number which are Strong Pseudoprimes to Several Bases and we just need to send it to the server to get the flag.
Whole Lotta Candy
Two programs are given, one is server and the other is AES encrypt, where the server can choose the encryption mode to encrypt and get the encrypted flag:
from encrypt import Encryptor
from secret import FLAG
import socketserver
import random
import signal
import json
MODES = ['ECB', 'CBC', 'CFB', 'OFB', 'CTR']
class Handler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
class ReusableTCPServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer):
def sendMessage(s, msg):
def receiveMessage(s, msg):
sendMessage(s, msg)
return s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
def main(s):
mode = random.choice(MODES)
enc = Encryptor()
while True:
f"Please interact with the server using json data!\n")
sendMessage(s, f"Selected mode is {mode}.\n")
payload = receiveMessage(
"\nOptions:\n\n1.Encrypt flag\n2.Encrypt plaintext\n3.Change mode\n4.Exit\n\n> "
payload = json.loads(payload)
option = payload["option"]
if option == "1":
ciphertext = enc.encrypt(FLAG, mode).hex()
response = json.dumps({
"response": "encrypted",
"ciphertext": ciphertext
sendMessage(s, "\n" + response + "\n")
elif option == "2":
payload = receiveMessage(s, "Enter plaintext: \n")
payload = json.loads(payload)
plaintext = payload['plaintext'].encode()
ciphertext = enc.encrypt(plaintext, mode).hex()
response = json.dumps({
"response": "encrypted",
"ciphertext": ciphertext
sendMessage(s, "\n" + response + "\n")
elif option == "3":
response = json.dumps({"modes": MODES})
s, "These are the supported modes\n" + response + "\n")
payload = receiveMessage(s, "Expecting modes: \n")
payload = json.loads(payload)
mode = random.choice(payload['modes'])
elif option == "4":
sendMessage(s, "Bye bye\n")
except Exception as e:
response = json.dumps({"response": "error", "message": str(e)})
sendMessage(s, "\n" + response + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
server = ReusableTCPServer(("", 1337), Handler)
Here, only the CTR mode is required to be selected for solving the challenge. The loophole is that when selecting the encryption mode, the optional items are input by the user, so that the CTR encryption mode can be selected. In the CTR encryption, z0, z1… are first generated, and then XORed with the plaintext to obtain the ciphertext. In this way, you only need to input a plaintext to get the encrypted result, and then get z and XOR it with the ciphertext of flag. Here, I just entered several zeros and sent the json to the server.
I then wrote the following script:
from pwn import xor
import binascii
encrypted_test =binascii.unhexlify("3c67df24ac9b439824030d9198f1aaa846c958c42d7c48b7e55c8528075983ea37a04ee031ad5e4b563612e2de8377699b5946c78eaf8f46d186017a44f54b2e")
encrypted_flag = binascii.unhexlify("4403ad6fd7c53cff5a6c4dcdc9f0d4af45ce10c3422d4fb0b42fde475b588ab230a521e749ae310c275f7de586c1280cb20109badff1e6098cf975592e98593c")
blob = xor(encrypted_test , encrypted_flag)
flag = xor(blob, test)
The flag is HTB{KnOWN_pla1N737x7_a77aCk_l19h75_7H3_wAY_7hroU9H_mANy_Mod3z}