Jacky Tang's Blog

Machine Learning Introduction

Machine Learning-Week 1

What is machine learning? Two definitions of machine learning are offered. Arthur Samuel version: A field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Tom Mitchell version: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. Example: playing checkers. E

拥抱NFV,Istio 1.1 将支持多网络平面


Istio实战系列-Envoy Proxy构建分析

Istio由控制面和数据面组成。其中Envoy是Istio在数据面缺省使用的转发代理,Istio利用Envoy的四层和七层代理功能对网格中微服务之间的调用流量进行转发。今天我>们来分析一下Istio 使用到的Envoy构建流程。



English Practice Topic: Smart Phone Addiction

Smart phones are significantly changing the way we live and work. I heavily depend on my Android phone in my daily life, I use it to schedule my meetings, receive emails, remind me important dates, learning English, etc. What‘s your opinions about smart phone? Are you addicted to your smart phone? Do you think it’s a great invention, or a devil tool of commercial? Let’s

Secure ONAP Microservices with Istio Mutual TLS Authentication and RBAC

In the previous post Manage ONAP Microservices with Istio Service Mesh, we went through the steps of how to install Istio and integrate it with ONAP platform, it’s super simple and has nearly no impact to the existing projects. Now let’s enable Istio auth to secure the inter-service communication inside ONAP, it will need a little bit more efforts, but it’

Manage ONAP Microservices with Istio Service Mesh

In the previous post How service mesh can help during the ONAP Microservice journey, we have discussed why the community wants ONAP to evolve towards Microservice architecture and how service mesh approach could help during the journey. Now it’s time to dip our toe in the water, let’s try out Istio with ONAP by following the below steps. Installation First, download installation scripts

How service mesh can help during the ONAP Microservice journey

ONAP Beijing is available now! ONAP, as part of LF Networking, now accounts for more than 65% of global subscriber participation through carriers creating a harmonized, de-facto open source platform. While it’s so exciting to see that more operators are deploying ONAP in their commercial network, ONAP community realizes that there are still somewhere we can improve to smooth the deployment process. For example, instead of deploying ONAP as a

Istio v1aplha3 routing API介绍(译文)

介绍Istio v1alpha3 routing API及其设计原则

Bitcoin Script

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 3

Bitcoin Script is using to transfer coins instead of just signature and public key address, which allows more flexibilities for Bitcoin transactions