Jacky Tang's Blog

Hash Pointers and Data Structures

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Hash pointer is used to bulid some key data structures in cryptocurrency, such as Block chain and Merkel tree.

Cryptographic Hash Function

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Hash function can produce a fixed lenght digest of any size of data, and the original data can not be found out if it's properly used.

Introduction to crypto and cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

I have noticed the buzzwords “Bitcoin” and “Blockchain” for a while. There are lots of articles, news, and talks around them. It seems that many people believe that cryptocurrency is the future of online payment, some even claim that blockchain would become the fundamental technology of the next generation of the Internet.



五一节前的一周内,几个朋友就纷纷坐不住了,一个二个不再安心上班,开始在微信群里讨论过节要到哪里耍。 大家思来想去,最后决定还是去理县方向。因为根据多年自驾的经验,只要出了汶川,沿途都是风景。




Service Mesh 和 API Gateway的关系探讨(译文)

API Gateway和Service Mesh的关系是我最近一直在思考的问题,也和同事及社区的朋友之间进行了一些讨论。这篇短文很清晰地总结了两者之间的相似之处以及这两者在微服务架构中的不同用途。

谈谈微服务架构中的基础设施:Service Mesh与Istio

Service Mesh模式及Istio开源项目介绍

作为一种架构模式,微服务将复杂系统切分为数十乃至上百个小服务,每个服务负责实现一个独立的业务逻辑。这些小服务易于被小型的软件工程师团队所理解和修改,并带来了语言和框架选择灵活性,缩短应用开发上线时间,可根据不同的工作负载和资源要求对服务进行独立缩扩容等优势。另一方面,当应用被拆分为多个微服务进程后,进程内的方法调用变成了了进程间的远程调用。引入了对大量服务的连接、管理和监控的复杂性,本文介绍了Service Mesh模式如何应对微服务架构的这些挑战,以及Service Mesh的明星开源项目Istio。



Vim Tips

Vim Tips and tricks

Docker Tips

Allow none-root users sudo groupadd docker sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker newgrp docker Solve “no space left on device” ubuntu sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json { "storage-driver": "devicemapper", "storage-opts": [ "dm.basesize=40G" ] } Mac Docker -> settings -> Resources -> Disk Image Size