Jacky Tang's Blog

LFN ONAP Developer Event: Microservice Bus Tutorial

Microservices Bus(MSB) provide a reliable, resilient and scalable communication and governance infrastructure to support Microservice Architecture including including service registration/discovery, external API gateway, internal API gateway, client SDK.It's a pluggable architecture so it can integrate with auth service provider to provide centralized Authentication & Authorization. MSB also provides a service portal to manage the REST APIs.

ONS ONAP Minisummit: Microservice Powered Orchestration Architecture

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.

LFN ONAP Developer Event: MSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use Cases

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.