Jacky Tang's Blog

Service Mesher Meetup 成都站:Service Mesh是下一代SDN吗?

从SDN看Service Mesh的发展

Service Mesh和SDN(Software Defined Network) 的架构非常相似,这两者都采用了软件对网络进行管理和控制,也都包含控制面和数据面的概念。那么Service Mesh和SDN有什么关系?Service Mesh是下一代的SDN吗? Service Mesh可以从SDN的发展历史中借鉴哪些经验?本文将就这些问题进行一一探讨。

LFN ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum: MSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB Plan for R2 and Beyond. I'll also discuss the OMSA(ONAP Microservice Architecture): the vision of ONAP Microservice Architecture to support Carrier-Grade requirements of ONAP Microservices, which includes Service Orchestration, Service Discovery, Inter-service Communication, Service Governance and Service Monitoring and External API Gateway.

LFN ONAP Developer Event: Microservice Bus Tutorial

Microservices Bus(MSB) provide a reliable, resilient and scalable communication and governance infrastructure to support Microservice Architecture including including service registration/discovery, external API gateway, internal API gateway, client SDK.It's a pluggable architecture so it can integrate with auth service provider to provide centralized Authentication & Authorization. MSB also provides a service portal to manage the REST APIs.

ONS ONAP Minisummit: Microservice Powered Orchestration Architecture

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.

LFN ONAP Developer Event: MSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use Cases

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.