Jacky Tang's Blog

Bitcoin Script

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 3

Bitcoin Script is using to transfer coins instead of just signature and public key address, which allows more flexibilities for Bitcoin transactions

Distributed Consensus

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 2

How the nodes in the bitcoin network reach consensus on the transactions?

Incentives and Proof of Work

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 2

How bitcoin system implements the mechanism to motivate the participants and how the participants prove their work?

Programming Assignment: Scrooge Coin

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Finally, I got to the most exciting part of week 1 lectures-the programming assignment!

Digital Signature and Public Key as Identities

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Some fundamental cryptographic technologies in Bitcoin: Asymmetic encryption(Public/Private key), Digital Signature, Digital Identity(Public key and Digital Certificate).

Hash Pointers and Data Structures

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Hash pointer is used to bulid some key data structures in cryptocurrency, such as Block chain and Merkel tree.

Cryptographic Hash Function

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

Hash function can produce a fixed lenght digest of any size of data, and the original data can not be found out if it's properly used.

Introduction to crypto and cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies-Week 1

I have noticed the buzzwords “Bitcoin” and “Blockchain” for a while. There are lots of articles, news, and talks around them. It seems that many people believe that cryptocurrency is the future of online payment, some even claim that blockchain would become the fundamental technology of the next generation of the Internet.