Jacky Tang's Blog

How to Get the Client’s “Real” IP Address with Envoy Gateway ?

Just as a river flows from its source through various bends before reaching the sea, a typical HTTP request travels from a client across multiple network hops until it reaches its destination server. During this journey, the request’s original IP address is lost as it moves through multiple network infrastructures such as proxy servers and load balancers. This happens because some of these hops terminate the TCP connection and create a new TCP connection with the next hop.

如何通过 Envoy Gateway 得到客户端的真实 IP 地址?

本文将介绍使用 X-Forwarded-For Header、自定义 HTTP Header 和代理协议这些方法来获取客户端真实地址的原理,以及如何采用 Envoy Gateway 来方便地获取到客户端的真实 IP 地址,并基于客户端 IP 地址进行对请求进行访问控制、限流等操作,以提高应用的安全性和可用性。

使用服务网格和 Envoy Gateway 构建客户端的可用性和弹性


KubeCon NA - Introduce MetaProtocol Proxy: A Layer-7 Proxy Framework Powered by Envoy

我在 KubeCon NA 上分享了基于 Envoy 的通用七层协议代理框架 MetaProtocol Proxy

KubeCon 上海分享: Envoy Gateway - The API Gateway in the Cloud Native Era

KubeCon 分享:为什么 Envoy Gateway 是云原生时代的 API 网关?

Aeraki Mesh Community Meeting - February 23rd, 2023

During this community meeting, we introduced Aeraki Mesh’s newly released Access Log and Service Metrics features. We also invited experts from Boss Zhipin and Shopline to share hands-on examples of Dubbo based on Aeraki Mesh. Furthermore, we introduced the new features of multiplexing and Gateway support for the MetaProtocol application protocol, which are being contributed by the Tencent Games project and Boss Zhipin.

Aeraki Mesh 社区例会 - 2023-02-23

本次社区会议介绍了 Aeraki Mesh 最新发布的 Access Log,Sevice Metrics 功能,并邀请了来自 Boss 直聘,Shopline 的专家分享基于 Aeraki Mesh 的 Dubbo 实操案例。此外,还介绍了来着腾讯游戏项目和 Boss 直聘正在贡献的多路复用和 Gateway 支持 MetaProtocol 应用协议的新特性。

深入理解 Istio Metrics

Istio 为 Service Mesh 中的微服务提供了非常丰富的统计指标(Metrics),这些指标可以让运维人员随时监控应用程序中服务的健康状况,在系统出现线上故障之前就发现潜在问题并进行处理。本文将介绍 Istio Metrics 的实现机制,以帮助读者深入了解其原理。。

Aeraki Mesh 提供服务级别的 Metrics

在刚刚发布的最新版本 Aeraki Mesh 1.2.2 中 (对应 meta-protocol-proxy:1.2.3) ,Aeraki Mesh 提供了和 Istio 一致的服务级别指标,包括 istio_requests_total,istio_request_duration_milliseconds,istio_request_byte 和 istio_response_byte。标志着 Aeraki Mesh 为非 HTTP 协议提供的服务治理能力和 HTTP 协议完全对齐,完整覆盖了路由,调用跟踪,访问日志,服务指标等所有能力。

5分钟内将 Dubbo 服务接入 Istio 服务网格

Aeraki Mesh Dubbo 接入教程

演示如何利用 Aeraki Mesh 在 Isito 服务网格中对 Dubbo 服务进行服务治理:七层负载均衡、动态路由、本地/全局限流、零代码侵入调用跟踪、查看调用指标等。