Jacky Tang's Blog

KubeCon 上海分享: Envoy Gateway - The API Gateway in the Cloud Native Era

KubeCon 分享:为什么 Envoy Gateway 是云原生时代的 API 网关?

Which One is the Right Choice for the Ingress Gateway of Your Service Mesh?

Kubernetes Ingress, Istio Gateway or API Gateway?

By default, in a Kubernetes cluster with the Istio service mesh enabled, services can only be accessed inside the cluster. However, some of the services may need to be exposed to the external network as well. Kubernetes and Istio provide a variety of means to get external traffic into your cluster including NodePort, LoadBalancer, Kubernetes Ingress and Istio Gateway. With all these options, which one should be the right choice for your service mesh running in production?


Kubernetes Ingress, Istio Gateway还是API Gateway?

在启用了Istio服务网格的Kubernetes集群中,缺省情况下只能在集群内部访问网格中的服务,要如何才能从外部网络访问这些服务呢? Kubernetes和Istio提供了NodePort,LoadBalancer,Kubernetes Ingress,Istio Gateway等多种外部流量入口的方式,面对这么多种方式,我们在产品部署中应该如何选择?

Service Mesh 和 API Gateway的关系探讨(译文)

API Gateway和Service Mesh的关系是我最近一直在思考的问题,也和同事及社区的朋友之间进行了一些讨论。这篇短文很清晰地总结了两者之间的相似之处以及这两者在微服务架构中的不同用途。

LFN ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum: MSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB Plan for R2 and Beyond. I'll also discuss the OMSA(ONAP Microservice Architecture): the vision of ONAP Microservice Architecture to support Carrier-Grade requirements of ONAP Microservices, which includes Service Orchestration, Service Discovery, Inter-service Communication, Service Governance and Service Monitoring and External API Gateway.

LFN ONAP Developer Event: Microservice Bus Tutorial

Microservices Bus(MSB) provide a reliable, resilient and scalable communication and governance infrastructure to support Microservice Architecture including including service registration/discovery, external API gateway, internal API gateway, client SDK.It's a pluggable architecture so it can integrate with auth service provider to provide centralized Authentication & Authorization. MSB also provides a service portal to manage the REST APIs.

ONS ONAP Minisummit: Microservice Powered Orchestration Architecture

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.

LFN ONAP Developer Event: MSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use Cases

In this session, I'll talk about the MSB(Microservice BUS) project we have been using in OPEN-O as the fabric for Microservice communications.